Tuesday, November 15, 2005

singletails, dear old friends

Recently I was at a themed birthday party for some dear, old friends of mine. As part of their theme (Good vs. Evil), they had a confessions booth in which people could confess their sins. And of course, because I love them, (not because it would be any fun for me, oh no!) I offered to work that confession booth, aiding those poor sinners in their penance. Most of the penance was silly and ridiculous, with some light DS role play.

So, I had a couple of implements with me, one of which was a small singletail. I was actually taking a break from the confessions booth, when I ran into a friend whom I had not seen in a very long time. We were exchanging updates, when he suddenly got distracted by what was in my hand. "May I see that?"

This being a friend whom I trusted, I handed it to him to examine.

He held it in his hand running his fingers along the length of the singletail. It was small, with a thick tongue. "Very nice! What is it?"

"Its a singletail!" I smiled.

"It doesn't look like the ones I have seen before."

Well they come in many shapes and sizes, I explained, as I stood back to give him room to try swinging it. He then tried to hit himself with it. This made me laugh (though not any stranger may simply take one of my whips and try hitting himself with it - do NOT try this at home or with me, kids!), and though self-flagellation would have appropriate given the theme of the party, I asked him, "Would you like me to do that for you?"

His eyes lit up, and he immediately removed his clothing, and found a wall upon which to brace himself.

I first put my hands on his back, and stood there, taking in the warmth of his flesh beneath my palms. During these first few moments, such an important connection is made between the players - for me this moment is crucial. Smiling and closing my eyes, I held his back.

Then stepping back, I took a few deep breaths, while now running my own fingers again on the singletail. Then gently, I started to swing, sending a breeze of forewarning to my friend's exposed skin.
The first touches of the singletail to flesh, were kisses, light little taps into his spirit.
At least that is how it felt to me.
And gradually I sank into the flow of the whip, adding a bit more pressure to the singletail kisses.

These moments are immensely beautiful and sacred to me. When two people are breathing together, one giving, and one receiving. And the singletail between them creates a physical distance, and yet connect deeper from one to the other...and for me, I can feel the person who is receiving. It seems as though I can touch their soul.
I love all whips for this, I love the singletail, and my ultimate baby is the bullwhip...and it seems as though the longer the whip, the deeper the spiritual connection, and together, giver and receiver fly into otherworlds...

My friend and I only played for a few minutes, but in just those few opening singletail caresses, we traveled to some other places. As his skin started to redden, I paused to again place my hands against his flesh, to hold him, to thank him for this special gift of sharing.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful story -- and so well written! I've been single-tailed twice before: once for just a short time up until my back became very red, but not too painful; and once after a very lengthy flogging. I still bear traces of the marks left behind. Your stories are great. Please write more.

~p (aka toebot)

Arianna Realis said...

Why, thank you! I update when I can - which these days may only be a couple times a week, especially with the holiday insanity...