Thursday, February 02, 2006

School days

It has been far too long!
These past couple of months have been EXTREMELY busy for me...with going out of town, a couple different performances, book stuff, school, and play...
This blog is what suffers most when I am so busy, as it is the last thing I get to when things get crazy. This next month will be a bit calmer, so I will be updating more frequently.

So, yes, school has started once again for me - I can't get enough of it, it seems. I have been sharing this ongoing saga with a friend, but perhaps you all would enjoy: I have developed a funny rapor with my Chinese Teacher, who several times has made comments about spanking those who forget their homework...I raise an eyebrow and smile at these repeated jokes. Then, the other day, she made some comment about torture being a good thing, espeically first thing in the morning. I laughed perhaps a bit too hard, because this time it was her raising an eyebrow and smiling, calling my chinese name, and saying,"Oh, do you agree?"

Mmmhmm...Oh yes, I do agree...But I also think it is good in the afternoon, evening, right before bed, and even in the middle of the night!

Later that class, she said to me, "You and I are going to get along very well.


Anonymous said...

that is fabulous! : >


Arianna Realis said...

why, thank you!